dimecres, 11 de gener del 2012

The Holiday

Amanda perspective

Hello I'm Amanda and now I'm going to explain my holidays.
One day I splitted up with my boyfriend and I was angry. Then I'm connected in a website to England to find a house to live for Christmas. There I chatted with a woman who had happened the same as me. We agreed to change our houses but with some conditions: no boys and relax. When we changed our houses we were quite happy. As we were on holiday we met a boy, I met Graham and Iris (the women whom I changed the home with) met Miles.
Finally I returned home at New Years Eve with Graham, Iris and her husband Miles.


i em vaig enfadar - and I was angry
una temporada - a season
estaven ben contentes - were quite very happy
a mida que va passant l'història - as it was happening the history
la dona amb qui em vaig canviear la casa - the woman whom I changed the home.

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