dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011

Sleepy Hollow

New words.

GRAVE - tomba
STEED - corcel
EVIDENCE - proves
TOOLS - instruments
STEPMOTHER - madrastre
SLAYINGS - assasinats
KNIGHT- cavaller
MUKY- tèrbol
DISPACHED - enviat
FRESH - carn
HEADLESS - sense cap

The characters:

Icharbalot crane
Dr lancaster
Magistrate philips
Mr. Van Tassel
Vand Ganeth
Windowr wirship


Icharbalot is dispached in Sleepy hollow to investigated a serie of slayings. In wich the victims have been found decapited.
Where the arrived in the city, he started the investigation with the orphanated young Masbeth, whose father was a víctim of the Horseman.

Icharbalot and Young Masbeth after alot of days to investigated they arribed a conclusion.
They conclued that: one person told a Horseman who had to kill. And also they descobered that: If they return the skull to kinght, they stop to kill.
Buth the slayings contiued until they discobered

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